Lampe Berger - TVB Reporting
(too old to reply)
2004-10-13 02:26:49 UTC
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.

2004-10-13 06:37:51 UTC
Post by Leo
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.
is there one in english? can't understand a word. maybe somebody could
Kancil Killer
2004-10-13 11:00:53 UTC
in another word - Lampe Berger is bullshit.
Post by Ezran
is there one in english? can't understand a word. maybe somebody could
The Dude
2004-10-13 12:24:29 UTC
Post by Kancil Killer
in another word - Lampe Berger is bullshit.
Post by Ezran
is there one in english? can't understand a word. maybe somebody
could translate.
whats lampe berger?
"Lousy day? mines probably worster. blogbloke.blogspot.com"
Paul Tan
2004-10-13 13:19:03 UTC
Post by The Dude
Post by Kancil Killer
in another word - Lampe Berger is bullshit.
Post by Ezran
is there one in english? can't understand a word. maybe somebody
could translate.
whats lampe berger?
It originated from this mamak stall called Ahmad Maideen in Taman
Connaught. They had Lamb Burger there, but they mis-spelled Lamb as
Lamp. Then somehow it became Lampe Berger.
2004-10-14 00:04:47 UTC
Look like some many people still do not know above this, like what they
said, Malaysia is a very potential big market.

It is a kind of perfuming lamp.

Goto here http://www.lampeberger.com/

It used by a company it Taiwan to run their company as MLM, but actually
they are a kind of PYRAMID company, Malaysia called it SKIM CEPAT KAYA.

For more detail, goto http://www.dchl.com.sg/
Post by The Dude
Post by Kancil Killer
in another word - Lampe Berger is bullshit.
Post by Ezran
is there one in english? can't understand a word. maybe somebody
could translate.
whats lampe berger?
"Lousy day? mines probably worster. blogbloke.blogspot.com"
2004-10-14 03:02:36 UTC
Post by Kancil Killer
in another word - Lampe Berger is bullshit.
In what way? Is it not effective, too expensive or harmful to people?
2004-10-14 04:14:38 UTC
Post by Ezran
Post by Kancil Killer
in another word - Lampe Berger is bullshit.
In what way? Is it not effective, too expensive or harmful to people?
Pyramid marketing (Skim Cepat Kaya),

Dangerous / Highly flammable and explosive product (90% isopropyl alcohol).

Mislead consumers that it can.......
1. dissolve cigarette smoke in the air,
2. create nozone
3. cure sickness like
a. respiration
b. inflammation
c. urine problem
d. high/low blood pressure
e. high cholesterol
d. ........................etc

Most important is that, they concealed that it is poisoning on inhaling, on
top of that, they encourage user to consume more for people who has sinus
problem or asthma.
2004-10-13 13:17:06 UTC
Post by Leo
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.
Wah....anti Lampe Berger activitists.

Why? You got burnt? :-)
The Dude
2004-10-13 14:15:38 UTC
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.
Post by ignoramus
Wah....anti Lampe Berger activitists.
Why? You got burnt? :-)
whats lampe berger?
"Lousy day? mines probably worster. blogbloke.blogspot.com"
2004-10-13 14:17:32 UTC
Lampa bigger? Spelling mistake? LOL!
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.
Post by ignoramus
Wah....anti Lampe Berger activitists.
Why? You got burnt? :-)
whats lampe berger?
2004-10-13 16:16:39 UTC
Post by CL
Lampa bigger? Spelling mistake? LOL!
How big? After cannot walk, then you know.
2004-10-13 16:17:50 UTC
On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 22:15:38 +0800, "The Dude"
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.
Post by ignoramus
Wah....anti Lampe Berger activitists.
Why? You got burnt? :-)
whats lampe berger?
Some MLM thingy selling aromatic oils that you heat up or something.
2004-10-14 01:32:00 UTC
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.
Post by ignoramus
Wah....anti Lampe Berger activitists.
Why? You got burnt? :-)
whats lampe berger?
a brand name of perfuming lamp from France.

Post by Leo
"Lousy day? mines probably worster. blogbloke.blogspot.com"
2004-10-14 01:30:14 UTC
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.
Wah....anti Lampe Berger activitists.
Why? You got burnt? :-)
One of my very good friend got involve to it, and try to recruite everyone
he know.
He has "invested" > RM32K. and can't take any advice from other about its'
negetive view now.
I bought one set from him at RM402, not because of the money that I loss, my
friend said he is thinking of going full time on this business, quit his job
where he get pay about RM8K monthly income and make futher "investment" to
push him self to higher level (by purchase more franchisee) to get higher
commision rate. This make me worried above him.

Because the product is a dangerous and explosive material , causing 12
explosion cases and 1 death in 3 years, Taiwan authority has requested them
to state on the outside of the packing that this product MUST NOT be use
with fire or burning, in another word, this product has been BAN becausing
it must be burn when using it.

In Hong Kong, this pyramid company also caused a lot of social problems,
many people borrowed from AH LONG, credit card companies, banks, their
relative and friends to "invest" in this business believing that this
program can make them get rich fast. Some university students threatened
they parents that they will not further study if they parents not help them
on their "investment".

It is quite sad that my friend has succesfully recruited many of his friends
and relative to join in as franchisee, not because I jealous about his
sucessful, because many will get jeapardize of his ignorant.
2004-10-14 04:34:26 UTC
Certain designs of the lamp can cost a bomb!
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.
Wah....anti Lampe Berger activitists.
Why? You got burnt? :-)
One of my very good friend got involve to it, and try to recruite everyone
he know.
He has "invested" > RM32K. and can't take any advice from other about its'
negetive view now.
I bought one set from him at RM402, not because of the money that I loss,
my friend said he is thinking of going full time on this business, quit
his job where he get pay about RM8K monthly income and make futher
"investment" to push him self to higher level (by purchase more
franchisee) to get higher commision rate. This make me worried above him.
Because the product is a dangerous and explosive material , causing 12
explosion cases and 1 death in 3 years, Taiwan authority has requested
them to state on the outside of the packing that this product MUST NOT be
use with fire or burning, in another word, this product has been BAN
becausing it must be burn when using it.
In Hong Kong, this pyramid company also caused a lot of social problems,
many people borrowed from AH LONG, credit card companies, banks, their
relative and friends to "invest" in this business believing that this
program can make them get rich fast. Some university students threatened
they parents that they will not further study if they parents not help
them on their "investment".
It is quite sad that my friend has succesfully recruited many of his
friends and relative to join in as franchisee, not because I jealous about
his sucessful, because many will get jeapardize of his ignorant.
2004-10-14 06:30:00 UTC
Or rather "Certain designs of the lamp can function like a bomb!"
Post by Riglin
Certain designs of the lamp can cost a bomb!
2004-10-14 16:30:33 UTC
[Dropping irrelevant groups]
Post by Leo
One of my very good friend got involve to it, and try to recruite everyone
he know.
He has "invested" > RM32K. and can't take any advice from other about its'
negetive view now.
I bought one set from him at RM402, not because of the money that I loss, my
friend said he is thinking of going full time on this business, quit his job
where he get pay about RM8K monthly income and make futher "investment" to
push him self to higher level (by purchase more franchisee) to get higher
commision rate. This make me worried above him.
You can only do that much.
Post by Leo
Because the product is a dangerous and explosive material , causing 12
explosion cases and 1 death in 3 years, Taiwan authority has requested them
to state on the outside of the packing that this product MUST NOT be use
with fire or burning, in another word, this product has been BAN becausing
it must be burn when using it.
In Hong Kong, this pyramid company also caused a lot of social problems,
many people borrowed from AH LONG, credit card companies, banks, their
relative and friends to "invest" in this business believing that this
program can make them get rich fast. Some university students threatened
they parents that they will not further study if they parents not help them
on their "investment".
If it wasn't Lampe Berger, it would have been something else.
Post by Leo
It is quite sad that my friend has succesfully recruited many of his friends
and relative to join in as franchisee, not because I jealous about his
sucessful, because many will get jeapardize of his ignorant.
When the money doesn't start to come in, they will stop and do
something else. Some people need to learn their lesson the hard way.
2004-10-15 04:04:36 UTC
Post by ignoramus
[Dropping irrelevant groups]
Post by Leo
It is quite sad that my friend has succesfully recruited many of his friends
and relative to join in as franchisee, not because I jealous about his
sucessful, because many will get jeapardize of his ignorant.
When the money doesn't start to come in, they will stop and do
something else. Some people need to learn their lesson the hard way.
Yup, but the guy who own the suff will be laughing all the way to the bank.
2004-10-15 05:00:59 UTC
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
[Dropping irrelevant groups]
Post by Leo
It is quite sad that my friend has succesfully recruited many of his
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
and relative to join in as franchisee, not because I jealous about his
sucessful, because many will get jeapardize of his ignorant.
When the money doesn't start to come in, they will stop and do
something else. Some people need to learn their lesson the hard way.
Yup, but the guy who own the suff will be laughing all the way to the bank.
They already half death in Taiwan and Hong Kong, there are quite active now
in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand & Indonesia. If you do not wish them to
success in this evil business, please help spreading the news try save some
people still do not know about this.
2004-10-15 13:41:22 UTC
Post by Leo
They already half death in Taiwan and Hong Kong, there are quite active now
in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand & Indonesia.
I think they claim those deaths were caused by misuse.
Post by Leo
If you do not wish them to
success in this evil business,
Evil business? That's exaggerating. Come on, look around you. There
is drug trafficking, women conned into the sex trade, etc. Those are
the really evil business.

This is MLM, just like the other MLMs out there. BTW, I think MLM
Post by Leo
please help spreading the news try save some
people still do not know about this.
2004-10-18 00:09:05 UTC
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
They already half death in Taiwan and Hong Kong, there are quite active now
in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand & Indonesia.
I think they claim those deaths were caused by misuse.
Post by Leo
If you do not wish them to
success in this evil business,
Evil business? That's exaggerating. Come on, look around you. There
is drug trafficking, women conned into the sex trade, etc. Those are
the really evil business.
This is MLM, just like the other MLMs out there. BTW, I think MLM
NOT a normal MLM if you really scrutinize on how their modus operandi, they
Lampe Berger is just a product for them to legalize thier activities and
hide behind on it.
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
please help spreading the news try save some
people still do not know about this.
2004-10-18 16:12:25 UTC
Post by Leo
NOT a normal MLM if you really scrutinize on how their modus operandi, they
Lampe Berger is just a product for them to legalize thier activities and
hide behind on it.
I can say the same for the other MLMs out there.

Been to a couple of those seminars before (duped by friends and
relatives). All the same BS.
2004-10-18 02:34:01 UTC
I agreed it's an evil business. It will cause a lot of social problems. More
and more people will be dragged into this business and the members will lose
money eventually, and also the time they spend recruiting people. After all
money is the root of all evil. The people who started this business are the
big con men.
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
They already half death in Taiwan and Hong Kong, there are quite active now
in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand & Indonesia.
I think they claim those deaths were caused by misuse.
Post by Leo
If you do not wish them to
success in this evil business,
Evil business? That's exaggerating. Come on, look around you. There
is drug trafficking, women conned into the sex trade, etc. Those are
the really evil business.
This is MLM, just like the other MLMs out there. BTW, I think MLM
Post by Leo
please help spreading the news try save some
people still do not know about this.
2004-10-18 02:56:21 UTC
I think the lack of money and over desire of things ( we can't afford
them)are the roots of all evils. Money is good, can buy you good times

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 10:34:01 +0800, ."OnnShin" <***@tm.net.my>

<After all
<money is the root of all evil. The people who started this business are
<big con men.
<"ignoramus" <***@freeonline.com> wrote in message
<> On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 13:00:59 +0800, "Leo" <***@tm.net.my> wrote:
<>>They already half death in Taiwan and Hong Kong, there are quite
<>>in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand & Indonesia.
<> I think they claim those deaths were caused by misuse.
<>>If you do not wish them to
<>>success in this evil business,
<> Evil business? That's exaggerating. Come on, look around you.
<> is drug trafficking, women conned into the sex trade, etc. Those are
<> the really evil business.
<> This is MLM, just like the other MLMs out there. BTW, I think MLM
<> sucks!
<>>please help spreading the news try save some
<>>people still do not know about this.
dave chiew
2004-10-18 03:38:55 UTC
Post by OnnShin
I agreed it's an evil business. It will cause a lot of social problems. More
and more people will be dragged into this business and the members will lose
money eventually, and also the time they spend recruiting people. After all
money is the root of all evil.
Not money per se. But the love of money. Even then there are other
evils which do not have their roots in money.

There's also jealousy, hatred, lust and the overpowering urge to
attack Tmnet staff for wasting your time.

-dave chiew
2004-10-18 16:20:31 UTC
Post by OnnShin
I agreed it's an evil business. It will cause a lot of social problems. More
and more people will be dragged into this business and the members will lose
money eventually, and also the time they spend recruiting people. After all
money is the root of all evil. The people who started this business are the
big con men.
IMO, putting in perspective, this isn't an 'evil' business.

After a while, when the money doesn't start coming in they will get
out of it. The loss is only the initial "membership" fee and whatever
stocks they are holding.
Lau Niu
2004-10-19 01:20:41 UTC
Post by ignoramus
Post by OnnShin
I agreed it's an evil business. It will cause a lot of social problems. More
and more people will be dragged into this business and the members will lose
money eventually, and also the time they spend recruiting people. After all
money is the root of all evil. The people who started this business are the
big con men.
IMO, putting in perspective, this isn't an 'evil' business.
After a while, when the money doesn't start coming in they will get
out of it. The loss is only the initial "membership" fee and whatever
stocks they are holding.
What "IMO", you should use "IMIO".
2004-10-19 11:00:31 UTC
Post by Lau Niu
What "IMO", you should use "IMIO".
Yes, in my innocuous opinion.

Someone is still sore. :-)
Lau Niu
2004-10-20 03:52:34 UTC
Post by ignoramus
Post by Lau Niu
What "IMO", you should use "IMIO".
Yes, in my innocuous opinion.
Someone is still sore. :-)
in your ignorant opinion.
still sore when you found out Niu Lang is not Lau Niu?
2004-10-20 14:19:47 UTC
Post by Lau Niu
Post by ignoramus
Post by Lau Niu
What "IMO", you should use "IMIO".
Yes, in my innocuous opinion.
Someone is still sore. :-)
in your ignorant opinion.
still sore when you found out Niu Lang is not Lau Niu?
You are sore and desperate. :-)

I still believe you are Niu Lang.
Lau Niu
2004-10-21 00:17:19 UTC
Post by ignoramus
Post by Lau Niu
Post by ignoramus
Post by Lau Niu
What "IMO", you should use "IMIO".
Yes, in my innocuous opinion.
Someone is still sore. :-)
in your ignorant opinion.
still sore when you found out Niu Lang is not Lau Niu?
You are sore and desperate. :-)
I still believe you are Niu Lang.
now, who is sore and desperate. :-)

I still believe carrying yap's balls
2004-10-19 05:12:03 UTC
Post by ignoramus
Post by OnnShin
I agreed it's an evil business. It will cause a lot of social problems. More
and more people will be dragged into this business and the members will lose
money eventually, and also the time they spend recruiting people. After all
money is the root of all evil. The people who started this business are the
big con men.
IMO, putting in perspective, this isn't an 'evil' business.
After a while, when the money doesn't start coming in they will get
out of it. The loss is only the initial "membership" fee and whatever
stocks they are holding.
To "start" the business, the new distributor must paid more than RM2,000
purchase the goods at END USER price, to become a Franchisee. Even you can
sold off all these goods, you earned $0.00 (NOTHING). on top of that, you
loss you time, transport cost and some other expenses incurred. If you
sell this goods, you either consume it your self or returned it back to
at 90% at the price your purchased less the commission they paid for
within 120 days from the time you purchased, you can only take only around
May be you still don't think you loss that much, but the facts is they
already got their "commission" from this recruiting. That is no difference
with what Pyramid system running. They just hiding their "payback from
Pyramid" system to the cost of goods (the initial purchase of goods 'at
user price' for more than RM2,000), can't you see that?
Beside their modus operandi, most of their claim that the product can cure
for.................... is not true, even worst, their products are
to human and dangerous.
For more information, goto....
Recent news about essential oil
Taiwan essential oil forum (Chinese)
Sorr, the forum shoul be @

And this
2004-10-19 05:27:53 UTC
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
Post by OnnShin
I agreed it's an evil business. It will cause a lot of social problems. More
and more people will be dragged into this business and the members will lose
money eventually, and also the time they spend recruiting people. After all
money is the root of all evil. The people who started this business are the
big con men.
IMO, putting in perspective, this isn't an 'evil' business.
After a while, when the money doesn't start coming in they will get
out of it. The loss is only the initial "membership" fee and whatever
stocks they are holding.
To "start" the business, the new distributor must paid more than RM2,000
purchase the goods at END USER price, to become a Franchisee. Even you can
sold off all these goods, you earned $0.00 (NOTHING). on top of that, you
loss you time, transport cost and some other expenses incurred. If you
sell this goods, you either consume it your self or returned it back to
at 90% at the price your purchased less the commission they paid for
within 120 days from the time you purchased, you can only take only around
May be you still don't think you loss that much, but the facts is they
already got their "commission" from this recruiting. That is no difference
with what Pyramid system running. They just hiding their "payback from
Pyramid" system to the cost of goods (the initial purchase of goods 'at
user price' for more than RM2,000), can't you see that?
Beside their modus operandi, most of their claim that the product can cure
for.................... is not true, even worst, their products are
to human and dangerous.
For more information, goto....
Recent news about essential oil
Taiwan essential oil forum (Chinese)
This on will be more toword the related group.

Post by Leo
And this
2004-10-19 10:59:16 UTC
To "start" the business, the new distributor must paid more than RM2,000 to
purchase the goods at END USER price, to become a Franchisee. Even you can
sold off all these goods, you earned $0.00 (NOTHING). on top of that, you
loss you time, transport cost and some other expenses incurred. If you can't
sell this goods, you either consume it your self or returned it back to them
at 90% at the price your purchased less the commission they paid for upline
within 120 days from the time you purchased, you can only take only around
Like I said, it's just the initial "subscription" fees that they lose.

After that, how much more can one lose? Time and effort. Compare
that to something addictive like illegal gambling and such.
May be you still don't think you loss that much, but the facts is they
already got their "commission" from this recruiting. That is no difference
with what Pyramid system running. They just hiding their "payback from
Pyramid" system to the cost of goods (the initial purchase of goods 'at end
user price' for more than RM2,000), can't you see that?
No need to ask. This is just like most other MLMs, right?

My point is, this isn't an "evil" business as what you made it out to
Beside their modus operandi, most of their claim that the product can cure
for.................... is not true, even worst, their products are harmful
to human and dangerous.
For more information, goto....
Recent news about essential oil
Taiwan essential oil forum (Chinese)
And this
2004-10-20 00:07:14 UTC
Post by ignoramus
To "start" the business, the new distributor must paid more than RM2,000 to
purchase the goods at END USER price, to become a Franchisee. Even you can
sold off all these goods, you earned $0.00 (NOTHING). on top of that, you
loss you time, transport cost and some other expenses incurred. If you can't
sell this goods, you either consume it your self or returned it back to them
at 90% at the price your purchased less the commission they paid for upline
within 120 days from the time you purchased, you can only take only around
Like I said, it's just the initial "subscription" fees that they lose.
After that, how much more can one lose? Time and effort. Compare
that to something addictive like illegal gambling and such.
RM150. plus

with in 14 days = 10% X RM2,000 = RM 200
15 to 120days = 30% X RM2,000 = RM600
Post by ignoramus
120 days = 70% X RM2,000 = RM1,400
The chance of win on you gambling is better than putting the money into this
Post by ignoramus
May be you still don't think you loss that much, but the facts is they
already got their "commission" from this recruiting. That is no difference
with what Pyramid system running. They just hiding their "payback from
Pyramid" system to the cost of goods (the initial purchase of goods 'at end
user price' for more than RM2,000), can't you see that?
No need to ask. This is just like most other MLMs, right?
Not a normal MLM, a Pyramid hiding behind MLM.
Post by ignoramus
My point is, this isn't an "evil" business as what you made it out to
Not an "evil" if they provide harmful product to the public for making money
Did you read the news that the products are harmful to human yet they are
concealing it?
Post by ignoramus
Beside their modus operandi, most of their claim that the product can cure
for.................... is not true, even worst, their products are harmful
to human and dangerous.
For more information, goto....
Recent news about essential oil
Taiwan essential oil forum (Chinese)
And this
2004-10-20 14:31:08 UTC
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
To "start" the business, the new distributor must paid more than RM2,000 to
purchase the goods at END USER price, to become a Franchisee. Even you can
sold off all these goods, you earned $0.00 (NOTHING). on top of that, you
loss you time, transport cost and some other expenses incurred. If you can't
sell this goods, you either consume it your self or returned it back to them
at 90% at the price your purchased less the commission they paid for upline
within 120 days from the time you purchased, you can only take only around
Like I said, it's just the initial "subscription" fees that they lose.
After that, how much more can one lose? Time and effort. Compare
that to something addictive like illegal gambling and such.
RM150. plus
with in 14 days = 10% X RM2,000 = RM 200
15 to 120days = 30% X RM2,000 = RM600
Post by ignoramus
120 days = 70% X RM2,000 = RM1,400
No, I didn't mean RM150. I meant the whole RM2,000 sum. They can
loss all that but that's it. It won't go beyond that.
Post by Leo
The chance of win on you gambling is better than putting the money into this
It's isn't about winning at gambling or being successful in MLM.
It's about being a part of this MLM vs gambling which can be an
addiction. All this started because of your reference to it being an
'evil' business.
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
May be you still don't think you loss that much, but the facts is they
already got their "commission" from this recruiting. That is no difference
with what Pyramid system running. They just hiding their "payback from
Pyramid" system to the cost of goods (the initial purchase of goods 'at end
user price' for more than RM2,000), can't you see that?
No need to ask. This is just like most other MLMs, right?
Not a normal MLM, a Pyramid hiding behind MLM.
No big difference to me. It's the same upline and downline kind of
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
My point is, this isn't an "evil" business as what you made it out to
Not an "evil" if they provide harmful product to the public for making money
Did you read the news that the products are harmful to human yet they are
concealing it?
There are two sides to the story; they claim it isn't harmful.
2004-10-21 00:21:55 UTC
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
To "start" the business, the new distributor must paid more than RM2,000 to
purchase the goods at END USER price, to become a Franchisee. Even you can
sold off all these goods, you earned $0.00 (NOTHING). on top of that, you
loss you time, transport cost and some other expenses incurred. If you can't
sell this goods, you either consume it your self or returned it back to them
at 90% at the price your purchased less the commission they paid for upline
within 120 days from the time you purchased, you can only take only around
Like I said, it's just the initial "subscription" fees that they lose.
After that, how much more can one lose? Time and effort. Compare
that to something addictive like illegal gambling and such.
RM150. plus
with in 14 days = 10% X RM2,000 = RM 200
15 to 120days = 30% X RM2,000 = RM600
Post by ignoramus
120 days = 70% X RM2,000 = RM1,400
No, I didn't mean RM150. I meant the whole RM2,000 sum. They can
loss all that but that's it. It won't go beyond that.
Money is only part of it. LB product also harmful to human, it might damage
human central nervours system if too much inhaling of the product, there are
concealing tbout this fact.
This is not evil?
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
The chance of win on you gambling is better than putting the money into this
It's isn't about winning at gambling or being successful in MLM.
It's about being a part of this MLM vs gambling which can be an
addiction. All this started because of your reference to it being an
'evil' business.
Agree, this is not the main point here. I meant I rather put the money into
gambling and at least it will not cause harmful to others.
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
May be you still don't think you loss that much, but the facts is they
already got their "commission" from this recruiting. That is no difference
with what Pyramid system running. They just hiding their "payback from
Pyramid" system to the cost of goods (the initial purchase of goods 'at end
user price' for more than RM2,000), can't you see that?
No need to ask. This is just like most other MLMs, right?
Not a normal MLM, a Pyramid hiding behind MLM.
No big difference to me. It's the same upline and downline kind of
It is a very big difference, a normal MLM is only with making profit
intention, the main intention is to sell the product and make money. Pyramid
is a kind of activities where their main intention is not selling their
product, but head hunting and get commision from that. Get into "original"
pyramid system may be you will see the picture clearer, if a friend come to
approach you and said if you are joining their pyramid company, paying let
say RM2000, then recruite downline paying the same amount RM2,000, and you
get 20% for 1st generation, 15% on 2nd, 10% for 3rd and 5% from 4th to 8th,
just keep on recruiting and you will become millionaire within a few months.
How do you think about this system compare to normal MLM, you don't even
have to sell anything and become a million or billionaire. Don't look down
at this system, it actually work, and many people will be suffered and a few
get rich.
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
My point is, this isn't an "evil" business as what you made it out to
Not an "evil" if they provide harmful product to the public for making money
Did you read the news that the products are harmful to human yet they are
concealing it?
There are two sides to the story; they claim it isn't harmful.
Of course sales man always said heir products are good, when you consuming
their goods, money go into their pockets. but people said it is harmful are
government bodies, NGO and public media who get nothing out of it. Of course
many victims will also voice out.
2004-10-21 12:22:32 UTC
On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 08:21:55 +0800, "Leo" <***@tm.net.my> wrote:
Post by Leo
Money is only part of it. LB product also harmful to human, it might damage
human central nervours system if too much inhaling of the product, there are
concealing tbout this fact.
This is not evil?
I don't know for a fact if LB is harmful. Has there been proper
scientific studies to show this? Maybe you should take this up with a
consumer association like CAP.
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
The chance of win on you gambling is better than putting the money into this
It's isn't about winning at gambling or being successful in MLM.
It's about being a part of this MLM vs gambling which can be an
addiction. All this started because of your reference to it being an
'evil' business.
Agree, this is not the main point here. I meant I rather put the money into
gambling and at least it will not cause harmful to others.
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
May be you still don't think you loss that much, but the facts is they
already got their "commission" from this recruiting. That is no difference
with what Pyramid system running. They just hiding their "payback from
Pyramid" system to the cost of goods (the initial purchase of goods 'at end
user price' for more than RM2,000), can't you see that?
No need to ask. This is just like most other MLMs, right?
Not a normal MLM, a Pyramid hiding behind MLM.
No big difference to me. It's the same upline and downline kind of
It is a very big difference, a normal MLM is only with making profit
intention, the main intention is to sell the product and make money. Pyramid
is a kind of activities where their main intention is not selling their
product, but head hunting and get commision from that. Get into "original"
pyramid system may be you will see the picture clearer, if a friend come to
approach you and said if you are joining their pyramid company, paying let
say RM2000, then recruite downline paying the same amount RM2,000, and you
get 20% for 1st generation, 15% on 2nd, 10% for 3rd and 5% from 4th to 8th,
just keep on recruiting and you will become millionaire within a few months.
How do you think about this system compare to normal MLM, you don't even
have to sell anything and become a million or billionaire. Don't look down
at this system, it actually work, and many people will be suffered and a few
get rich.
I really can't be bothered with the intricacies of the different types
of MLMs. To me they are the same thing. Their "product" is usually
the opportunity to make money with little emphasis on the goods.
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
My point is, this isn't an "evil" business as what you made it out to
Not an "evil" if they provide harmful product to the public for making money
Did you read the news that the products are harmful to human yet they are
concealing it?
There are two sides to the story; they claim it isn't harmful.
Of course sales man always said heir products are good, when you consuming
their goods, money go into their pockets. but people said it is harmful are
government bodies, NGO and public media who get nothing out of it. Of course
many victims will also voice out.
It is easy for you to post, but how about providing some details? For
example which government body and in which country has issued warnings
on Lampe Berger?

Anyway, you should take up Battousai's suggestion. Posting here only
reaches a limited audience. Besides, I don't know about the rest of
the readers here, I come away unconvinced by your arguments.....not
that I am a supporter of Lampe Berger.
2004-10-22 00:31:12 UTC
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
Money is only part of it. LB product also harmful to human, it might damage
human central nervours system if too much inhaling of the product, there are
concealing tbout this fact.
This is not evil?
I don't know for a fact if LB is harmful. Has there been proper
scientific studies to show this? Maybe you should take this up with a
consumer association like CAP.
It was published by Taiwan public media, I don't know whether they have done
any scientific studies on it. The people comment this is base on their
knowledge on 90% Isopropyl Alcohol property, of course the are not Tom Dick
and Harry.
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
The chance of win on you gambling is better than putting the money into this
It's isn't about winning at gambling or being successful in MLM.
It's about being a part of this MLM vs gambling which can be an
addiction. All this started because of your reference to it being an
'evil' business.
Agree, this is not the main point here. I meant I rather put the money into
gambling and at least it will not cause harmful to others.
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
May be you still don't think you loss that much, but the facts is they
already got their "commission" from this recruiting. That is no difference
with what Pyramid system running. They just hiding their "payback from
Pyramid" system to the cost of goods (the initial purchase of goods
user price' for more than RM2,000), can't you see that?
No need to ask. This is just like most other MLMs, right?
Not a normal MLM, a Pyramid hiding behind MLM.
No big difference to me. It's the same upline and downline kind of
It is a very big difference, a normal MLM is only with making profit
intention, the main intention is to sell the product and make money. Pyramid
is a kind of activities where their main intention is not selling their
product, but head hunting and get commision from that. Get into "original"
pyramid system may be you will see the picture clearer, if a friend come to
approach you and said if you are joining their pyramid company, paying let
say RM2000, then recruite downline paying the same amount RM2,000, and you
get 20% for 1st generation, 15% on 2nd, 10% for 3rd and 5% from 4th to 8th,
just keep on recruiting and you will become millionaire within a few months.
How do you think about this system compare to normal MLM, you don't even
have to sell anything and become a million or billionaire. Don't look down
at this system, it actually work, and many people will be suffered and a few
get rich.
I really can't be bothered with the intricacies of the different types
of MLMs. To me they are the same thing. Their "product" is usually
the opportunity to make money with little emphasis on the goods.
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
Post by Leo
Post by ignoramus
My point is, this isn't an "evil" business as what you made it out to
Not an "evil" if they provide harmful product to the public for making money
Did you read the news that the products are harmful to human yet they are
concealing it?
There are two sides to the story; they claim it isn't harmful.
Of course sales man always said heir products are good, when you consuming
their goods, money go into their pockets. but people said it is harmful are
government bodies, NGO and public media who get nothing out of it. Of course
many victims will also voice out.
It is easy for you to post, but how about providing some details? For
example which government body and in which country has issued warnings
on Lampe Berger?
Anyway, you should take up Battousai's suggestion. Posting here only
reaches a limited audience. Besides, I don't know about the rest of
the readers here, I come away unconvinced by your arguments.....not
that I am a supporter of Lampe Berger.
2004-10-24 15:42:19 UTC
Post by Leo
It was published by Taiwan public media, I don't know whether they have done
any scientific studies on it. The people comment this is base on their
knowledge on 90% Isopropyl Alcohol property, of course the are not Tom Dick
and Harry.
Information on the web (at least what I managed to find) is limited.
IIANM, the catalytic burner is supposed to burn of the isopropyl
alcohol (together with something called ozoalcool) to produce ozone.
I can't tell if isopropyl alcohol is actually released into the air.

Anyway, here are two news articles on this.

Aromatherapy oil can be explosive
TAIPEI, Taiwan, The China Post Staff

Essential oil can be a bomb, as six explosion cases involving
aromatherapy have left eight people ? the youngest of whom is only
four ? badly burnt this year, a Taipei foundation helping burn victims
warned yesterday.

"We call on all victims to declare war on the essential oil bomb,"
urged Chen Shu-lan, director of the Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation
at a press conference held to reveal the ordeal of the victims of

She said 90 percent of most essential oil ? which is claimed to be
antiseptic, and helpful in strengthening the immune system ? is highly
inflammable propyl alcohol.

Explosions usually occurs when users light the wicks of the oil lamps
after refilling them with essential oil, she said.

But the merchants fail to warn of the danger, or instruct consumers
the correct way of using the oil, she said, adding legal action has
been taken against the producers and importers of the essential oil.

"Why did you buy the dangerous essential oil. Other kids are having a
happy summer vacation, but why do I have to undergo the operation?"
10-year-old "Hsiao Yu" was quoted by newspapers as complaining to her
mother, as she waited in a hospital for doctors to operate on her.

"Hsiao Yu" suffered serious burns when the essential oil lamp her
mother was lighting exploded.

Eight-year-old "Hsiao Hsuan" was another victim who has undergone more
than 20 operations.

Hsiao Hsuan's mother said she spent NT$6,000 on the oil, thinking it
would help relieve her son's breathing problems.

The mothers of Hsiao Yu and Hsiao Hsuan, recounting their ordeal at
the press conference, both said they "don't want to live," as they
knelt down before a Department of Health official asking for an

Aromatherapy has enjoyed fast growing popularity, but Chen said the
government has turned a blind eye to its potential danger.

When complaints were filed with the Economics Ministry, which licensed
the essential oil products, officials there said it was none of their
business, Chen said.

The oil may cost only NT$150 to produce, but it is usually sold at
marked up prices more than tenfold, Chen said.


Lamp importer faces charges after explosions

TAIPEI, Taiwan, The China Post Staff

The public prosecutors' office in Taipei will press charges against
the importers of Lampe Berger after it found the company's essential
oil lamps to be the cause of a series of explosion accidents.
It was reported that two importers of the essential oil lamps will be
charged with fraud, business negligence and battery for falsely
promoting the healing effects of Lampe Berger products, which in fact
could be toxic and cause headaches, nausea, vomiting and even death,
the China Times Express reported.

Further, the importers are accused of profiteering from the essential
oil products, which they acquired at about NT$100 per liter but sold
for NT$1,320 per liter by boasting alleged healing effects for
respiratory diseases.

The lack of safety of essential oil lamps caught the public attention
after a series of explosions were reported last year, causing various
degrees of injuries to their users.

Lampe Berger's local representatives held a press conference
demonstrating the safety of its products at that time, claiming that
the accidents were probably caused by low-quality counterfeits or
improper usage.

Dharma Mulya
2004-10-19 04:30:09 UTC
Hei... should the authorities. Bad enough the attitude of ALONGs. We do not
want more Malaysian get in trouble. Report it to Kementerian Perdagangan &
Hal Ehwal Pengguna.
Post by Leo
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.
2004-10-19 08:37:10 UTC
what is frustrating is the people who started this business make all the
money and the ignorant people who wants to make some money are being
cheated. Is there any authority to report to and any channels to complain
this pyramid scheme. It is obvious that the commission for the members comes
from the membership fees. Once there are no more members the commission
Post by Dharma Mulya
Hei... should the authorities. Bad enough the attitude of ALONGs. We do not
want more Malaysian get in trouble. Report it to Kementerian Perdagangan &
Hal Ehwal Pengguna.
Post by Leo
See what specialists said about Lampe Berger in Hong Kong TVB.