Post by winxpPost by Bangsar_VillageThe Bank's fixed deposite is 3.0%
Car loan is 2.9%
Does that means, when buy car,
take loan is better than use cash?
Not really! if you make some calculation for say a period of 7 years.
The money you earn at 3.0% is much less than the money you pay at 2.9%.
Uncle Yap should be able to explain it better :-)
Wow! so much faith eh in Uncle Yap?
Actually when people who make a 7 year hp (hire purchase) loan to you
at 2.9% p.a. they do not give you what is called in the financial
world, a rest ..Better to illustrate with an example
Let's say you borrow RM30K for 7 years.
They will add 7 x 2.9 = 20.3 % or RM6,090
The total 36,090 is divided by 7x12 to give RM426.64 for each of the
monthly instalments in the next 7 years.
Someone with a better calculator can work out that the effective
interest rate is somewhere in the region of 5% p.a. since towards the
end, the principal outstanding becomes progressively smaller but the
"no rest" clause means you continue to pay 2.9% on the initial loan
Then, you must factor in the other costs. As long as you remain
indebted, the financial institution can and often does force you (as
per their h.p. agreement) to maybe leave your registration book with
them, maybe buy motor insurance from their panel (so you cannot shop
around for a better deal or opt for a smaller insured figure as the
value of your vehicle gets depreciated year after year)
After all that, I still think motorists get a much better deal than in
the 70's and 80's when the hp interest was 10% ( the Hire Purchase Act
1967 does not impose any limit). It was only in the 90's that
competition between the financial institutions started pushing down
the hp rate from 10 to 9 to 8 to 7 to 6 to 2.9* now and the maximum
term from 3 years (for new vehicles and 2 for used vehicles) to 7 and
even 9 years now.
*At 2.9%, I think the car vendor will compensate the finance company
with maybe a cash commission as this seems rather low when you impute
tha amount of clerical work involved in the collection i.e. for 7
years, they must monitor your account, issue receipts, etc
Maybe someone who is currently in this industry can share their
*************From Uncle Yap**************
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