Post by unknownHow, where and when can I get one of these?
Post by John Tayok. to answer all your questions. The decorder is to replace the Astro
decorder (Philips) using back the Astro disc. It can receive all current
Astro channels without any subscription fees. Get the picture ?
Post by Falconzmore detail require...
Post by John TayHi,
I sell satellite decorder to receive TV channels without paying monthly
subscription fee. Price is RM750.00
I once saw an annoucement by Astro that using a counterfeit decoder
or smart card to receive Astro channels could be find up to RM 100,000
(hundred thousand)
On the other hand, I once read in newspaper that if you use a
satellite decoder (not counterfeilt Astro) to receive free Satellite TV
If get cought, the fine is only RM5000.
(note: This type of decoder required big dish, at least 2 meter)
(setting up of this system is not easy, as the channel available
is scatter across the sky from east to west. That means you need
a motorised dish, and program you decoder to control the
motorised dish need some technical knowledge on
sattelite receiving system, if you are interested you may get
a book in Sim Lim Square on how to setup a motorised satellite
receiving system).